Property in Alanya. Ideal Estates, +90 532 777 4 777

Lainsäädäntö ja verotus

Turkish Citizenship by Investment

Turkin kansalaisuus investointi ohjelmalla

Turkin kansalaisuus investointi ohjelmalla verrattuna muihin maihin Ulkomaille sijoittamisesta toisen kansalaisuuden saamiseksi on tullut strateginen askel monille henkilöille. Turkki, joka erottuu ensisijaisena valintana, tarjoaa vankan mahdollisuuden Turkin kansalaisuus investointi ohjelmalla.Tässä artikkelissa vertailemme Turkin ohjelmaa Portugalin, Yhdistyneiden arabiemiirikuntien, Karibian ja...

Residence Permit Increases

Oleskelulupa korotukset Turkissa

Turkki toteuttaa oleskelulupa korotukset Turkissa: kiinteistösijoituksen vähimmäismäärä nostettiin 200.000 dollariin Turkin hallitus on viime aikoina toteuttanut merkittäviä muutoksia oleskeluluvan saamisen kriteereihin maan sisäisillä kiinteistökaupoilla. Nämä tarkistukset, erityisesti lyhytaikaiset oleskelulupa korotukset Turkissa koskevat kiinteistökauppoja, joiden hankintapäivä on...

Legal Responsibilities Associated with Real Estate in Turkey

Real Estate in Turkey-Legal Responsibilities

Understanding the Legal Responsibilities Associated with Real Estate in Turkey Investing in real estate in Turkey has gained immense popularity, thanks to its economic and natural allure. However, this lucrative venture with real estate in Turkey comes with its own set of obligations and legal responsibilities. 1. Property Tax: A Fundamental Obligation Property owners in Turkey are mandated to pay...

Buying a car in Turkey

Buying a Car in Turkey

Navigating the Process of Buying a Car in Turkey as a Foreigner Are you a foreigner in Turkey looking to purchase a car? If you hold a valid resident permit, you're in luck—buying a car in Turkey is a viable option for you. However, understanding the requirements and procedures is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of Buying a Car...

New Law

New Law-Tourism & Rental

New Law-Transforms the Tourism Rental Landscape in Antalya and Alanya In recent news, Antalya and Alanya are witnessing a significant change in the real estate and tourism sectors, thanks to a newly enacted law that regulates the rental of housing for tourism purposes. The impact of this law has garnered attention from industry representatives and is set to transform the way properties are rented for...

Foreigners Bringing Cars into Turkey

Foreigners Bringing Cars into Turkey

Navigating the Road: Current Laws and Regulations for Foreigners Bringing Cars into Turkey Turkey, a country known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, is an attractive destination for travelers from all over the world. If you plan to explore this beautiful country in your own vehicle, it's essential to be aware of the laws and regulations governing foreigners...

Noterler-Yeni Taşınmaz Satış Kanunu

Notaries – New Property Sales Law

Real estate notary sales are now possible in Turkey. According to new legislation, Turkish notaries may now handle real estate transactions in addition to working with land registry offices. An important part of the Turkish economy is the real estate industry. It accounts for around three million of the 15 million transactions that Turkey's land register offices handle annually. Yet, the increased...

Siteler'de Evcil Hayvan Beslemek

Keeping Household Pets in Residential Complexes

Understanding the Turkish Condominium Law: Rules and Regulations for Keeping Household Pets in Residential Complexes In the vibrant and culturally rich land of Turkey, where traditions blend seamlessly with modernity, one aspect of life that has gained prominence is the love and care for our furry companions. The relationship between humans and their pets transcends boundaries, making them an integral...

Yeni Zorunlu Deprem Sigortası ZAS

New Compulsory Earthquake Insurance ZAS

Understanding Turkey's New Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (ZAS) "Compulsory Earthquake Insurance" ZAS is a type of insurance in Turkey that covers damages to buildings caused by earthquakes. The purpose of this insurance is to provide financial protection to property owners against the effects of earthquakes. ZAS was introduced as a replacement for the "Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool" (DASK),...

Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits of Purchasing Property in Turkey for Citizens from Belgium & Other European Countries

Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for foreign property buyers, and Belgian investors have shown a keen interest. The country's strategic location, rich cultural heritage, and booming economy make it an attractive choice for those looking to invest in real estate. Apart from the alluring lifestyle and diverse landscapes, there are several tax benefits that foreign buyers from Belgium and other...

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