Property in Alanya. Ideal Estates, +90 532 777 4 777

Property In Turkey

Obtaining a Tax Number in Turkey

Veronumeron hankkiminen Turkissa

Veronumeron hankkiminen Turkissa ulkomaalaisena Jos aiot asua Turkissa tai sijoittaa Turkkiin, veronumeron hankkiminen Turkissa on ratkaiseva vaihe prosessissa. Tämä kymmennumeroinen tunniste, joka tunnetaan nimellä Vergi Numarasi, on tärkeä rooli monissa toimissa auton ostamisesta verojen maksamiseen ja maahan asettumiseen. Tässä oppaassa opastamme sinut vaivattoman veronumeron hankkimisprosessin...

Real Estate Valuation Report in Turkey

Kiinteistön arviontiraportti

Kiinteistön arviontiraportti ja sen ymmärtäminen Turkissa Kiinteistön arviointiraportti (Gayrimenkul Değerleme Raporu) on tärkeä asiakirja Turkissa, joka sekä kiinteistön ostajan että myyjän on tunnettava. Tällä prosessilla on keskeinen rooli kun kiinteistön arvo määritetään. Ottaen huomioon Turkin kiinteistömarkkinoiden viimeaikainen nousu ja ulkomaisten ostajien...

Reasons to Make Turkey Your Home

Syitä tehdä Turkista kotisi

Syitä tehdä Turkista kotisi Tutkitaan, miksi Turkki on haluttu kohde ex-patseille ja digitaalisille nomadeille. Nämä ovat syitä tehdä Turkista kotisi: Turkin kansalaisuuden yksinkertaistaminen: Turkin kansalaisuuden saamisprosessia on virtaviivaistettu, mikä mahdollistaa kelpoisuuden ostamalla kiinteistön, jonka arvo on vähintään 400 000 USD. Täydellinen ilmasto: Turkissa on...

Legal Responsibilities Associated with Real Estate in Turkey

Real Estate in Turkey-Legal Responsibilities

Understanding the Legal Responsibilities Associated with Real Estate in Turkey Investing in real estate in Turkey has gained immense popularity, thanks to its economic and natural allure. However, this lucrative venture with real estate in Turkey comes with its own set of obligations and legal responsibilities. 1. Property Tax: A Fundamental Obligation Property owners in Turkey are mandated to pay...

Germany-Turkey Economic Ties

Germany-Turkey Economic Ties

Unlocking Economic Potential: Germany-Turkey Economic Ties in Focus In the complex landscape of global economic partnerships, the enduring bond between Germany and Turkey stands out prominently. As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan engages with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, the spotlight remains firmly on the Germany-Turkey Economic Ties and collaboration that have weathered political...

Foreign Investors Preferred Antalya

Foreign Investors Preferred Antalya

Foreign Investors Preferred Antalya In Turkey, housing sales to foreigners amounted to 30,599 between January and October, with Antalya leading the way with 11,303 units sold. The sales to foreign investors experienced a 52.9% decrease in October compared to the same month the previous year, totaling 2,535 units. In October, foreign investors preferred Antalya and Alanya within the...

Properties Foreigners can Buy in Alanya

Properties Foreigners can Buy in Alanya

Properties Foreigners Can Buy in Alanya The Types of Real Estate Available for Foreigners to Buy in Alanya, Turkey Alanya, a coastal gem located in the Antalya province of Turkey, has been a prime destination for real estate investment by foreigners in recent years. Its stunning Mediterranean coastline, rich history, and affordable property prices make it an attractive location for those seeking a second...

Cennette Yatırım

Investing in Paradise

Investing in Paradise: Why Alanya and Ideal Estates Are Your Ideal Real Estate Partners Have you ever dreamt of owning a piece of paradise? Alanya, a coastal gem on the southern coast of Turkey, might just be your perfect destination. In this article, we'll explore why Alanya, and more specifically, Ideal Estates, should be at the top of your real estate investment list. So, let's delve into the many...


Exploring Alanya’s Diverse Neighborhoods

Homes for Sale in Alanya: Exploring some of Alanya's Diverse Neighborhoods Are you considering a move to Alanya, Turkey, and in search of the perfect place to call home? Alanya is a coastal gem known for its stunning beaches, rich history, and vibrant culture. As you embark on your quest for the ideal property, it's essential to explore the various neighborhoods this picturesque city has to offer. In this...


The Profound Impact of Ataturk on Turkish Culture and History

The Profound Impact of Ataturk on Turkish Culture and History In the intricate tapestry of Turkish culture and history, few figures loom as large as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Often hailed as the "Father of the Turks," Ataturk's influence extends far beyond politics and encompasses culture, history, and the heroic War for Liberation. This brief article embarks on a journey to explore the expansive...

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